👋  Howdy! I’m Ben Aubin.

I’m a software engineer, hacker, and community builder based in Austin, TX. I am fascinated by systems: the software platforms we use, the economics we create, the communities we form. I feel fulfilled when I get to improve those systems, to bring people more joy.

You can find me jumping from building hacky prototypes to deeply-tested systems software, to organizing events and community spaces, working, or just chatting about life with a friend.

I’m a proud Hack Club alumnus. If you are a teenager interested in technology, you should join their community.

That’s it for now. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

~ Ben Aubin


This room and the things in it, and all the other things in this building, in this city, exist because, over and over and over, people imagined things. They daydreamed, they pondered, they made things that didn’t quite work, they described things that didn’t yet exist to people who laughed at them. And then, in time, they succeeded. - Neil Gaiman
psst... want to see something pretty cool?

Back in high school, I participated in an ad campaign to promote careers in software development. It’s a little out of date, but still quite wonderful.

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^ high school me